Consumer Electronics

They say there is nothing older than yesterday’s news – the twist on that is that there is nothing older than yesterday’s technology! Electronics manufacturers have mastered the art of built in obsolescence – just ask a teenager to survive without the latest Apple device – at your own risk.  Problems we have solved in […]


Since the invention of the wheel there have been many different evolutions for transportation devices. The automotive industry of twentieth century experienced many changes with consolidation of the major automakers, collaboration between suppliers of components and sub-assemblies and repositioning of key manufacturing and assembly locations. The twenty first century has continued this globalization and process transformation. […]

Textile And Apparel

There is an interesting expression – cut your coat according to your cloth! There are various interpretations, the most common of which is ‘make the most of the resources you have available to you’. Interestingly this does not apply to the textile and apparel industry – there are unlimited options for a variety of fabrics […]

Oil And Gas

The energy industry is highly complex, capital intensive and fraught with challenges. Some of the issues include: New sources of supply – exploration in emerging markets with inherent infrastructure and cultural issues Lack of effective end to end supply chain processes from extraction through delivery and services in retail channel Asset management- utilization and optimization […]

Life Sciences

Discovering new compounds, bringing them through the approval process and finally having a product that can transform lives is one of the most rewarding occupations in the world. Ensuring that the investment in time and money is not lost through poor supply chain planning and execution is no small task however. The team at New […]

5 Proven Steps To Successfully Select & Onboard Outsourced Logistics Partners

By Carla Reed, president, New Creed LLC 5 Proven Steps To Successfully Select & Onboard Outsourced Logistics Partners In preceding articles in this series, we reviewed some of the challenges and remediation approaches for the storage and distribution of life science products, highlighting some of the specific risks related to storage, transportation, and material control […]

A Life Cycle Management Approach To Developing A Supply Chain Strategy

By Carla Reed, president, New Creed LLC Chain Strategy Visibilty Map There is always a lot of discussion and debate related to the challenges faced by companies within the industry broadly described as life sciences. Price pressure for mature pharmaceutical products, shortage of supply for critical vaccines and other life-saving compounds, pipeline management for promising […]